3 Ways to Become a Better Photographer

Feeling unmotivated when it comes to your photography routine lately? If you could use a little inspiration, here are three simple ways you could become a better photographer in the next few weeks.
1. Make a Routine
We understand that you’re busy. Many of our photography students work full time, have children, have family obligations, the list goes on. It can be really hard to make time for your artistic outlets when you have a long list of other obligations for which you need to allocate time.
However, one of the best things you can do as a first step is to set aside a specific time every week for you to work on your photography. Even if it’s one hour every weekend, make sure to allocate time to your craft.
2. Look for Feedback
If you have access to an artistic community, even if it’s just on social media, take advantage. Share your work. Ask for advice.
3. Learn Something New
The best thing you can do for your photography routine is to make a commitment to yourself that you will learn new photography techniques and skills whenever you find yourself falling into a routine rut. Whether you play with lighting, gear or technique, try something out of your wheelhouse every time you get out there to practice.
* Reposted Article fromĀ NYIP.